Faq E-commerce


Q: How can I order? A: Only from the website www.carafolivini.com

Q: Do you accept telephone orders? A: Yes, we accept telephone orders.

Q: Can I order all the products I see on the site? A: Yes, you can order everything you see on the site, subject to availability.

Q: Is it mandatory to enter your VAT number or tax number? A: It is necessary to indicate the VAT number or tax code only if the invoice must be in the name of a company or a professional.

Q: How do I know if the order was received by Cantina Carafoli? A: At the end of the order you will receive an email from Cantina Carafoli in which we will summarize all the elements that make up the order.

Q: Is it possible to cancel an order that has not yet been confirmed? A: Do not worry, if you have not yet confirmed it by going to the cashier and completing the purchase procedure, the order is not registered.

Q: Do you make special discounts compared to the published prices? A: No, the prices are those indicated on the website.

Q: Is it possible to receive the purchase invoice? A: Absolutely. Every sale is billed. The invoice is generated at the time of the evasion in digital format and sent by email on the evening of the day of evasion to the email address indicated by the customer at the time of registration.

Q: Are the prices on the website inclusive of VAT? A: Yes, all prices on the website include VAT


Q: Can you combine 2 orders with different payment methods? A: No, that’s not possible.


Q: Can I pay in cash? A: No, it is not possible. The payment terms are summarized in the conditions of sale.

Q: Can I pay on delivery with a check? A: No, bank checks or circulars are not accepted.

Q: By paying by credit card when the account is charged? A: The account is debited at the time of order confirmation.

Q: What types of payment are accepted? A: On Cantina Carafoli we accept payment by Credit Card

Q: What kind of credit cards do you accept? A: Paypal circuit payments are accepted on Cantina Carafoli, such as Visa circuit, Mastercard circuit, American Express circuit, Postepay circuit.


Q: How much are the shipping costs? A: The cost of transport costs related to purchases in these cases is automatically determined by the site based on the weight and size.

Q: Cantina Carafoli provides partial deliveries of goods? A: Orders will be processed only with FULLY available goods.


Q: What are the delivery times with the express courier? A: When your order is processed from our warehouse and the courier takes charge of your delivery, 3 working days pass for Italian destinations.

Q: How do I know if my order has left? A: At the time of shipping Cantina Carafoli will send you a second email where you will communicate the departure of your order.


Q: In which case can I exercise the right of withdrawal? A: The right of withdrawal is governed by the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE

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